Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its APPLE BLOSSOM TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes indeed, its Apple Blossom time!!
On Sunday there was a huge festival in the area celebrating the Apples of 2009. Yeah, the people in this area are weird.....:)
All of our trees are blooming. I missed the Peach blossoms last week! They were beautiful!
The Season is starting: This is our first picking of Rhubarb. Markets start on Saturday, and we're all trying to get ready for that!
Our first picking of Asparagus!! Yesterday Mommy, Daddy, Oliver and I grilled our dinner on the outside grill, and then we ate outside because it was so NICE!!!! We had our first "batch" of grilled asparagus for the year. (Its become like a tradition to have grilled asparagus every year).

So we have been keeping very busy with the farm work. Today I am going to be "practice baking" for the markets. We've added some new recipes to our mix, and I need to make sure that they work before trying to sell them! :)

That's is for now! Have a fabulous Day!


  1. What beautiful pictures!
    You sure must have a huge asparagus patch!!!
    Our rhubarb is just starting to think about popping out of the ground and our trees have little buds on, so I guess it's Spring here too. I didn't post it, but it snowed here 2 days ago--again! When will Winter give up, I wonder?

  2. Wow! You must sell the asparagus, right? What kind of things do you bake and sell?

  3. Cora, We have two apsaragus patches...they're decent sized. They're fairly old though, thats why I think they produce a lot!!! WOW!!!! SNOW????? We havent had snow since February!!!:)
    Yes, we sell our asparagus at markets. :)
    Oh my, I bake yeast breads, sweet breads, pies, and cookies. We do some special things too sometimes. I'm the "Baker" so I get to do all that!!! FUN!!!haha


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