Friday, May 29, 2009

Bee's, and Solar Panels!

Well, the past few days have been busy!!!:)
As you can tell by my first picture here! hahaaha
This is me with my favorite food, Cottage Cheese!

Yesterday, our bee's swarmed. They went to the nearby Butterfly bush, and swarmed there. Fortunately, My dad was able to catch them and put them in a new hive!

We've had a crew of workers here at the house for the past few days. They've been putting up solar panels for us. We're getting 33...they have 10 up right now. Two of them ordered pies! :)
But that's what we've been up too! That and Baking baking baking!!!!
I've got to go get ready for market tomorrow!


  1. Bees swarming does not sound like a fun situation! For the last couple years, we've had our honeyman put hives on our land, so we get lots of bees in our garden, but I've never seen them swarm! Thanks for posting the pictures.

    Congratulations on the solar panel purchase too. I look forward to seeing pictures of that...

    Hope your baking continues to go well. Do you close the bakery for the weekend?

  2. Our bakery is not so much for people in the area....We take our stuff to Maryland to sell....but if someone stops in at the house, we'll make whatever they want. So, we don't really have a store or anything. But we try to take "off" on the weekend. :)

  3. "bees" does not have an apostrophe....

  4. Installing solar panels Virginia at our house can save you a lot of money that you would otherwise have had to spend on electricity.


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