Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Boy Scouts

Yesterday I stayed home from market, and Lydia went instead. I did some school and housework stuff.
We got 25 new baby chicks in the mail the other day, so I was taking care of them. Unfortunately, three died.
Then, when everyone got home from market, we all went to Oliver's Boy Scout Court of Honor. Oliver was given lots of merit badges he had completed.
This is the Scout Master giving Oliver the merit badges.

Sorry these pictures are so dark. This is the group of boys who completed a Klondike race (or something).

The whole Troop 55, with their leaders. Oliver is the one on the other kids shoulders. :)

So that's what I've been doing. Yesterday was Election day, and I hope you all voted! ;)
'Til next time!


  1. It was good to "Hear" from you again, Virginia! I'm sure you're VERY busy with gardening and baking, etc... now. :)

  2. lol, yeah.....:-) it gets REALLY crazy in the summer! I'll try and keep up with my blog though....:)

  3. you forgot to mention who beat who in the supervisor race.... :D

  4. ah, Jonathan Reisinger won,Dan Wyrick lost! Woohoo!
    is that better? :)

  5. Virgina, thank you for the comment on my blog-I appreciate it.=) Feel free to visit my blog any time.


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