Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Rainbow!!!:-)

Today I took Oliver to his Boy Scouts and on the way, it started raining.
Oliver pointed out this rainbow, and he managed to get a few pictures while we were driving.

I pulled the van over and took this one.:-)

Even though seeing a rainbow seems like such a small thing, it was exciting to me, since I havent seen one since I was about eight. Also because they're beautiful reminders of God's promise to us.


  1. Rainbows are SO beautiful! I thought it was neat that you posted this today, as I was thinking about rainbows as well this afternoon... (I'm sure you'll know why when you read my post! :) )

    How's your gardening and baking coming along these days? I'm sure you're VERY busy!

  2. :-)
    The baking is going well. Its really slowed down, and I'm thankful for that! The Gardening is just as hectic as ever! I certainly keeps us busy! :-)

  3. whoah! a farm is talking and commenting on blogs! eek!

  4. hehe, I posted using the wrong email. :-)


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