Friday, September 18, 2009


I just thought I'd share this movie with you all! Lydia and I were singing this song today and it reminded me of the "old days" when we (Mommy, Sarah, Martha, Lydia and I) would watch this movie when my Dad had overnight trips. (He always disliked any Jane Austen's or Flambards). I've always loved the movie, and this just brought back good memories!


  1. *but I will sing you a song of Christina, AT FLAMBARDS!*


  2. I've never seen Flambards, so can't give an opinion on it. :)
    I just thought I'd let you know that you're "It". :) --I tagged you on my blog, so if you like, you can head on over and see what it's all about...

  3. mam, mam, mam, mam.....(whistling) hahaha!
    I always thought Mr. Dermot was the best Sarah!
    Cora Beth, Thanks so much for tagging me! I'll get to respnding to it (if i can figure it out haha!) probably tomorrow or the next day! Have a good one!


Feel free to leave a comment, I would love to hear what you have to say!