Friday, January 15, 2010

My Sister's and I

To those out there reading this: YES, I am alive! The Holiday's took a tole on me and it took a shaking to get back into the normal swing of things! :-)
I decided to do this post for(and dedicate it to) my four lovely sisters.
This photo was taken at Katie's wedding. Me, Katie's sister-in-law (another Katie), Martha, Lydia, Katie and Sarah

My oldest sister Katie. She's always been my motivation in life to be the best pianist I can be: and now that she's teaching me how to play Congregational's and key changes, maybe I will be!!!:-) I love you Katie!

My twin sisters: Sarah and Martha.
Sarah, notice I put your name first in order of age!!:-)
Sarah has always been the sister I can go to when I've got a problem. You'll always stick up for me and I love you for it!
Martha has always been roommate! haha, but she's also the one I go to when I need something. You're the best roommate anyone could ask for (and you put up with my slovenly messes). I'll love you always!

My sister Lydia:
Lydia was always my playmate as a child, and to this day we still do things together as much as possible. I love you Lydia!

A sappy post, I know. But I've wanted to post this for a year now. It's long overdue!
Katie, Sarah, Martha, Lydia,
I love you guys:
You're the best sisters anyone could ever have!!!


  1. Awww, Virginia.
    I love you too,
    Smooch smoo.


  2. Of course we are. Although I'm a bit disappointed to see that you picked a rather unflattering picture to depict you, me, and about one where I'm not 12 years old next time? :)

  3. Skin your the best and a wonderful sister to have! I love you too.

  4. Hey, nice post. You and your sisters all look a lot alike!

    Aren't sisters the best!?!

  5. Yep, sister's ARE the best!!!:-)
    Thanks for the comment!
    And Sarah, you do NOT look 12! Or I don't think you do...:-)
    If you and Martha would take more pictures with me....:-)

  6. haha I guess I'm the last one to post about this subject. Cool thing you like my junk collecting ways too. Not sure what I'd do without you either. mawuu


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