Saturday, August 13, 2011

Growing season

It's growing season here at Orchard Country Produce and we are feeling it!

Picking apples, peaches, pears, plums, EVERYTHING! It's just all coming in at the same time.

I finally got around to taking some pictures of all these fruits and vegetables.

Asian Pears

HUGE heirloom tomatoes. This particular one is a pink brandywine.

Getting ready to pick peaches.

Castleton plums


Some of these trees were so loaded that the branches were snapping...:(

My favorite alien-looking vegetable to pick: Kohlrabi

Lemon Cucumbers

That is pretty much what I have been up to! :-) I'll post more later.


  1. Your family must be so glad to have you there helping them, Virginia!!! Your cucumbers look so interesting, by the way... :)

  2. So glad you're getting some good harvest! I love going and getting fresh produce from markets, etc.!
    Hope your family is doing well!

    Take care!

  3. Cora, Thanks! The Lemon Cucumbers are an heirloom variety. I think they're better than the normal ones!!!! :D
    Thanks Desirae!


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