Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Asparagus...makes me happy

There's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing a huge pile of asparagus that you just picked, weighed and bundled.  It's hard to explain, but after this crop, I felt like a proud parent. 

Daddy was doing Swiss Chard at the same time.

I don't really have much to blog about, but I always enjoy seeing farm pictures.  :D


  1. Okay, I have a question. I planted some asparagus this year. Only a few came up and they were about as big as a piece of yarn. Is this normal? How many years does it take before you can pick them full size? Or did I blow it and do it all wrong? Your's looks fantastic!!

  2. Yes, that is normal. It'll shoot up like that, but don't pick it. It's good to wait 2 or so years. They should be bigger then. Also, I'm thinking where they're planted has something to do with it. We have a nice field in the open sun, and they are good-sized, but the field that is somewhat in the shade, are very thin.

  3. Now THAT'S a LOT of Asparagus! I planted 10 plants last year and we ate about 10 sprigs this Spring for the first time. This year I planted another 10.... I'm curious too, do you know how to propogate the plants? Is that possible or will it just fill in as time goes by?
    PS. Thanks for commenting on my blog! It was so good to hear from you once again. :)

  4. If you planted them in a trench, keep on pushing dirt over onto them burying the roots more and more. After a couple years, the roots will be deep and will have a chance to really spread. Than you'll be seeing production spread. :)

  5. Thanks for the helpful tip! I did plant them in a trench of sorts, so will mound up some dirt... :)


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