Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Last day of classes!

Three cheers for the last day of classes!

Hip hip....HOORAY

Hip hip....HOORAY

Hip hip....HOORAY!!!!!


  1. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! :)

    I really enjoyed your last post---especially the picture with you and that GIGANTIC pinecone!!!!!

    Are you going home now? You must be so happy....


  2. Thanks Cora! :)
    I'm taking finals right now and then there will be a concert and the graduation...and then HOME for me. :) I'm very excited!

  3. Yay, so exciting! Tomorrow is my last official day of classes and then I have finals all next week! So excited/ready to be done!
    So are you going back to West Coast next year?

  4. Yes, for sure! :) I hope your finals all go well!!! AND that you have an amazing summer relaxing! :)


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