Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Nieces and nephews

One thing I hate about being in California is that I have missed every one of my nieces and nephews being born.  My sister Lydia just had her second baby this morning!  I realized that I never wrote a blog post about Katie's baby either.  So here is a blog post with the most recent pictures I have of my nieces and nephews, in order of age.  :)
This is Tabitha Isabella Keckler, she will be turning four in just a few months!  It is so hard to believe that so much time has passed already!  She likes to talk a lot, and she plays the piano a lot.  When I go home for Christmas, we will record a duet. 
I can't wait to see her again soon.
And this is little Abigail Hannah Keckler.  She turned two not long ago.  She is getting to be quite the talker too!  She smiles a lot and always looks happy.  I only had a few recent pictures of her from this summer.  All of the rest are from last Christmas, and she has grown a LOT since then. 

And this little guy...well this is Hudson Steele Wooten.  Goodness, time flies.  It seems like yesterday he was a chubby little baby...now he is a boy.  He doesn't talk very much, but makes tons of noises.  He is so active...definitely a boy. :)  He likes to throw stones, and play with the cat when he comes over to visit. 
In this picture actually, he was sitting by the porch waiting for the kitten to come back out so he could play with it. :) Hudson will be turning two very soon!

This little guy is Eleazar Hilkiah Keckler.  When I first got home for the summer, he always seemed to be sleeping!  But nooo...he loves to gurgle and stand up on peoples lap.  He likes to bounce a lot too.  He is a funny baby and always laughs.  He will be one in February.

This is Reuben Mark Tuckey.  I totally spaced it when I was posting about my new nephew.  I posted it on Facebook, but forgot to post on here.  This was his picture when he was just born on April 7th. 

And this picture is from this summer.  He grew up a LOT.  He is so cute and chubby.  Pictures don't really capture his personality...he raises his eyebrows all the time and looks SO cute.  He is very expressive for a baby!

And this cutie is the new addition to the Keckler(+Wooten+Tuckey+Caudill) family.  :)  Ella Rose Wooten was born just this morning.  She was premature, supposed to be born in November, so she is tiny.  Only 4lbs 15 ounces.  Now Hudson has a little sister!  I can't wait to see her when I go home next time. 

That's it for the nieces and nephews for now!  Its a tie- 3 girls-3 boys.  :)



1 comment:

  1. It was nice to catch up on your blog, Virginia!! :) It seems like the summer months just fly by and there isn't much time for keeping up with reading/writing...
    May God bless you in all your adventures! I loved seeing pictures of your ever growing family----and all of your garden produce too. Neat!


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