Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Happy 100,000th birthday!

My dear little car celebrated a birthday a few weeks ago!  She turned 100,000, so of course, I made sure to take pictures of this monumental occasion.

Truth be told, she has been through a lot...I put new tires on her to celebrate her birthday.

Just this week, some unsavory character got into my car...It was Sunday night and I got home really late from church; At about 10:30.  It was a rare occasion, but I didn't lock my car when I walked inside.  Normally, I would leave my bag in the trunk, but for some reason this time, I took it inside with me. 
The next morning, I woke up to the doorbell ringing at 4:30.  It just kept going off, so my landlord went to the door where the neighbor was informing us that both my car and my landlords truck's doors were hanging open and my trunk was open. 

My car registration was strewn all over the street, and my cassette tapes were laying around in my car.  That I can see, I am only missing a few CDs and a little tin of mints.  All I can do is thank God that I took my bag inside the previous night.  Whew!

Annnd from now on, I will lock my doors EVERYWHERE.  Anyway, Happy birthday to my car!

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