Sunday, April 5, 2015

He is Risen!

Happy Resurrection Sunday! 
Yesterday evening, I attended the production of Glorious Day here at LBC.  It was pretty amazing! This morning I will also attend a sunrise service at 6 as well as my extension church
It's going to be a great day!
Something that I've thought of recently and was just reminded of;
So many places are famous and often-visited because of the tomb of a person, or their burial spot. 
The Great Pyramids of Egypt are visited because they once held the mummified remains of Egyptian Pharaohs. 
Medina, Saudi Arabia is a well-visited spot.  It is where Muhammad's remains are to this day. 
In Sri Lanka, a temple is designated just to hold the last tooth remaining from Buddha's mouth!
These are places that are visited, where ceremonies and prayers and rituals are kept by different religions of the world. 
But the thing that I love MOST is that there is not a burial site or grave where Jesus is today.  There is no temple anywhere that hold Jesus' tooth, or His bones! 
Every year, many people visit the Garden Tomb just outside of Old Jerusalem, and it is visited simply because of what CANNOT be seen.  I won't belabor the point, though I easily could :) 
He is RISEN; He is risen indeed!!!!

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