Friday, November 18, 2016


Well, I've been neglecting my blog.  The biggest news is that I am now married!  It's so hard to believe. 
Since I hadn't posted on here before the wedding, I'll try to catch you all up in a few posts. 

So many things have happened.  First of all, on April 30th, I married Daniel, my amazing husband.  I loved every moment of planning the wedding, making decorations and even paying for things for it.  But nothing could beat actually BEING in my wedding.  It was the magical day I've always dreamed of.  The only part I would re-do was when Dan "accidently" pushed the piece of cake into my nose at our reception.

Our amazing photographer captured some truly wonderful shots and we've loved looking through them.  I'll include some of them in this post. 
My wonderful sister and brother in law paid for a limousine to take us from our wedding to the reception, which was held at Shady Maple Smorgasbord.  It was a wonderful wedding gift and we love some of the pictures that came from it!

Some of these may be out of order and such, but at least my blog viewers can see part of this wonderful day of my life!

I remember always thinking that when I got married, I would have the traditional rice thrown as we would leave the reception.  However, the place where I wanted to have our reception does not allow rice-throwing due to the massive amount of cleanup.  Bubbles were my last choice, but they were the one that was accepted at the reception.  I'm glad now, because I love how the pictures turned out.  Plus, I didn't spend the rest of the day picking rice out of my ears and vacuuming rice up off of our truck seats. 

After the ceremony, the limousine driver took us to Poole Forge park, where we had our "after-wedding" photos taken.  It is a small, but beautiful place with historic buildings and a covered bridge. 


I was so happy that my whole family was able to come to my wedding, and be a part of it as well.  My dad was able to perform the ceremony, my sisters were all bridesmaids, my brother was a groomsman, and my niece was a flower girl.   
Dan mentioned to me that he's always wanted to sing as a couple at his wedding, so we made it work!  He picked out the song, and we learned it by singing it three times a day each day.  As it was, I kept forgetting the words to my verse!  I'm just glad that I got it right on our wedding day. 

Since we were having a morning wedding, we took group pictures before the wedding at 9AM.  It turned out to be a beautiful, cloudy day (apparently, a perfect day for taking pictures). 


We also took "first look" photos. 

Like I've said previously, this post is WAY late (nearly 7 months late), so after this post, I'll do my best to slowly catch up on my life currently. 
Until I post again, enjoy the wedding photos! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!! It looks like it was a beautiful wedding! May God bless your marriage as you seek to serve Him with your lives together.


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