Saturday, March 24, 2018

New paint = 100% better.

Have you ever cringed just walking into a room, seeing the paint color and thought,
"What were they thinking????" 
That was my reaction to first seeing this bedroom in the house we bought. 
Obviously, it was previously a child's bedroom and the child probably picked their favorite colors to put on the walls. 
**As a side note, I've never understood it when parents allow their children to pick paint colors...inevitably, the colors picked would be neon green with hot pink stripes, or some such monstrosity. 
My thoughts are these...if you want your child to have a wacky colored room, fine.  But at LEAST try to paint it well!!!  haha.
I laughed when I saw how poorly it had been painted.  For instance, the paint is like this in the whole room...
The light switch covers were painted over...

In general, it's just hideous in my opinion.  I've been longing to paint over it.  The other week, Dan and I were at Lowes looking for something entirely unrelated, and I said that we should walk by the "oops" paint section and see if they had any clearance paints.  Well, they did in fact have four gallons of similar-looking, nondescript, blueish- greyish paints.  We got them all.    
I started by pulling nails and tacks from the walls, and then sweeping and dusting the place. 

Since I can roll paint pretty well from a roller, I did that and Dan did the cutting in with a brush.  He honestly amazes me with how fast and accurate he is- and with no tape at all. 
I can still see orange, because it's only the first coat.  But to me, the improvement is huge. 

Dan did the next room by himself (since its really small and he is super fast).  Yellow isn't a disgusting color or anything, but Lexi (the girl whose bedroom it was previously) wrote threatening messages on the wall to her friends as well as drawing swastika's all over.  We felt that it needed to be covered up.   


He finished in record time.
While Dan worked on the Yellow room, I went to town on this room, peeling off the numerous stickers on the walls. 

Again, why a parent would allow a child to put hundreds and hundreds of round stickers all over their room is beyond me. 

And the finished product. 

By the way, we've begun making back part of the money we spent on the paint since I collected $2.31 in pennies and nickels so far in the bedrooms.  Not a bad deal!
So the walls might be boring now, but at least they don't hurt my eyes to look at. 




  1. Well done, guys. Looks way better!

  2. Wow! Those were some very ugly colors! Looks way better!

  3. Very nice! And who knows,maybe the kids did get in trouble for those stickers!

  4. Thank you!!!
    And VERY true, perhaps they did get in trouble for the stickers. :)


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