Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Snowy Weather in NY

Well, I was wondering for a bit there when we would get more snow!  It snowed about four times in the month of November, but then December was pretty snow-free.  A few weeks ago though, we got enough snow to make up for all the snow-less weeks.  We got about four inches, which was like nothing...and there was a weather prediction for the weekend for us to get 6-10 inches.  Then it changed to 12-16 inches.  The last update we saw before falling asleep Saturday evening, it said 20-24 inches.  When we woke up, there were 10 inches, so we had to cancel church. 
Dan went out to start his truck to plow out our house, the church, and the neighbors who he usually takes care of...and his truck wouldn't start.  After charging it and trying to jump it using my car for about four hours, we finally got out the snowblower and cleared the driveway. 

We ended up getting 24 inches, so it was fun!  Gwendolyn wasn't too amused with it, so she and I stayed inside mostly. 

And made blueberry turnovers, blueberry pie, and shoofly pie!

And Gwen played a few songs on the piano as well. 

Other than the snow (which has now turned to ice), our lives are pretty uneventful! 
Hope you all are well. 

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