Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Mostly fun updates

I realize that it has been forever since I posted.  Something about spring coming makes me want to be outside.  I have hardly taken any photos lately because my iPhone storage is full...and even though I've deleted every unused app, every photo and video, and every text I get, it still says I have no room to take photos.  I'm ready to step back in time and buy myself a digital camera again.  😄😄😄
Our snow is gone!!! I thought at the beginning of April that we were snow-free until winter again, but then it snowed right at the beginning of the month.  But now, I'm pretty sure we're out of the snow season for good. 
A lot of this post will probably be pictures of Gwendolyn.  She has been growing so much lately. 
She loves to walk all over and pick up anything and everything and put it in her mouth.

A few weeks ago, we were in Albany and decided to stop at the site of the first Shaker settlement in the United States which is right by the airport.  There was a small loom there which I used to weave several rows of a scarf. 

They also had sample articles of clothing in the style of that of the Shakers.  There was a sign reading "Try me on", so you can be sure I did.  It mostly didn't fit because I am pregnant... I think.  It could have been because they were meant for a child though haha.😄😄😄


Since the last of the snow and ice dissipated, we've been doing a lot of door-to-door inviting people to visit our church.  Dan likes to take Gwendolyn with him and she helps hand out the flyers.

Gwennie and I

On Palm Sunday, we bought a few palm branches, had the children in the church lay them in the aisle, and then they could take them home after church.  Gwen liked trying to chew on hers.


We had missionaries stay in the church for two weeks straight during and after missions conference (which I will also post about later), so the downstairs needed a serious deep cleaning. 

Dan snapped this photo of us as we were vacuuming the fellowship hall.


On Saturday, we celebrated our anniversary early (it was actually yesterday) by going to a restaurant to which we had a gift card.  We both had the salad bar, and because it was lunch time, they also had soups, deep fried cheesecake, and some teriyaki stirfry on the salad bar.  My favorite part was that they offer complimentary milk and chocolate milk with the salad bar.  We discovered that Gwendolyn loves chocolate milk....

Easter Sunday, after our services, we took a walk down the road to the river.  Last time we went there, it was nearly frozen.  Due to the overabundance of rain we've had lately, the river was VERY high, so the falls were roaring and showering us with a cold mist.  It reminded me of Niagara Falls, but on a much smaller scale of course.  😄😄😄

Yes, that is Dan laying on his back on the rock by the river.  Gwendolyn started getting very sleepy and needed a nap, so she was resting on his chest.


Other than these small family updates, we had a very busy two months!  My father-in-law came to visit us for two weeks and helped Dan SO MUCH on the house.  Then we had missionaries staying with us and at the church for missions conference.  After that, we had another missionary family in, and then Easter Sunday.  Dan continues to get what he can done at the house.
I mentioned before in a post that I sing with the Adirondack Voices, a community choir.  We finished our regular season's concert in April, but immediately began practicing rigorously to sing Beethoven's 9th Symphony and Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein.  We've had extra practices and of course, they are both in different languages, so they take a little bit longer to learn.  Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to being finished with the concert next week.  After church on Sunday, we drove to Eastern Vermont to visit some friends who recently took over pastoring a small church similar to ours.  They were having a revival meeting, so it was nice to be there for the Sunday night service, and then stay with them the night, visit with them, and then also attend the Monday night service before coming home.  A good friend is coming to visit this weekend with her family, which will be very nice.  And last but not least, our baby is due to come this month!  I'm very grateful for all the visitors (friends, family, and missionaries) we've hosted.  It has helped to keep my mind off of the baby and being anxious about her arrival. 
Hopefully my next post will be sooner rather than later, now that I managed to put all of the photos from my phone onto my computer.  Until next time!


  1. Check your deleted photos folder....for some reason apple likes to keep items there that you have deleted. If you empty that folder you should have lots of room

  2. I actually tried that as well, and it didn't change anything! 😕


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