Monday, July 15, 2019

Life Happenings and family visits

Sorry it has been so long since I posted! Prepare yourselves for a lot of photos!  It'll take me a few posts to catch up on what we've been doing and the photos from our adventures. 

Four weeks ago, my mother-in-law came to visit us for 10 days!  It was so nice to have her with  us, and she helped out tremendously with changing diapers, weeding the garden, and even letting me catch a nap here and there when I desperately needed one.  When she came, Lucinda still was waking up all night and I was hardly getting sleep.  Thankfully, that has changed!  She now wakes up once. 

Gwen very much enjoyed spending time with Mimi.

One of the days she was here, we made a day trip to the original Vermont Country Store.  We enjoyed that.  I love looking around at all of the fun toys and games they have there...not to mention sampling all of their yummy fudge, cheese, and jams.  I bought myself a few candies too. 
Gwendolyn had fun walking up and down their ramps and swinging on the John Deere tire swing.

One of the employees showed us the antique polyphone they have on display. 

Another day while Mimi was here, we drove up to Ticonderoga.  I've been wanting to go there for awhile, we just never got the chance.  We didn't actually go into the Fort there, since we only had a few hours.  For the price of the admission into the fort, it would make sense to plan to spend almost all day in it. 
We went to two museums and looked around, and walked down by the dam and park. 

Gwen thought this dinosaur was a doggie.

And I'll just include a few photos of the girls...

Gwendolyn loves shoes...she goes around trying on everyone's shoes!  Even Dan's!

Dan, teaching Gwen how to pull weeds.

Our garden is doing so well!  The tomatoes are green, kale is huge, I've been picking zucchini each day...
But we let the weeds get too big.  So each morning I wake up as soon as the sun is out (about 5am) and weed for an hour before the children wake up.  It's been making me feel so accomplished!  That's what we've been up to!
Our Vacation Bible School is this next Sunday-Wednesday, so we're preparing for that.  Also, Dan's birthday was Thursday, so we went to eat for that.  I threw him a surprise birthday party on the Saturday before his birthday.  I think he was mostly surprised.  😄😄😄

1 comment:

  1. If you have grass clippings, use those as a free mulch. Really helps keep the weeds down


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