Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fall Festival

Happy Autumn, friends!  Our autumn has been fun-filled and exciting thus far.  One of our highlights was our church Fall Festival.  We had a lot of fun preparing for it and setting it up.  Dan made an obstacle course with the help of Gwendolyn. 

We picked watermelon from our garden for snacks and for the watermelon seed-spitting contest.   

The forecast called for rain the day of our event, but we prayed all week that it would be clear of rain and it was!! The sun wasn't out and bright, but it wasn't raining, so we were happy!
We had a Guess how many game with m+m's, skittles, and gummy worms. 
The obstacle course, which was a big hit!

Nail driving

A three- legged race

Apple bobbing

 And a photo booth 

We had a missionary family with us that weekend as well, so that was nice.

We had a hay ride, but couldn't find a tractor to use, so we used a truck.  It worked just fine!

 Dan and Gwendolyn tried the 3 legged race...

We also had a ring toss, basketball shoot and bowling too.

And of course, preaching, food, and popcorn, and checkers.  It was a nice time, and our best-attended fall event so far.  We were thankful for all the people who helped out!

Keep checking back for my next post about our fall adventures!

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