Tuesday, December 10, 2019

November News

Greetings, friends and readers!
     It's been a fun and semi-eventful last month.  Fall "ended" abruptly with the first appearance of snow on November 8th.  Since then, we've had weather in the teens and twenty's and snow covering the ground.  I had a nice birthday in November.  Dan got me a cake and ice cream and also took me out to eat. 
     Our church celebrated Thanksgiving with a special meal the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  That was nice. 
     Dan's truck has been out of commission since October 14th.  He had some work done on it the week prior and then it broke down.  The shop that worked on it still has it.  
     The pumpkins that were decorating the front of the church froze and then thawed out, so they were needing to be used.  I cooked them and blended and canned four of them (used all of my canning jars too!) and we've been enjoying pumpkin bread and pies. 
We made a whirlwind trip to Georgia for a few days in November.  Our flights were very late at night.  Lucie and I had fun taking pictures of Dan and Gwen, who were sleeping.
In the airport at 11PM, our children were wide awake and ready to go!
It was nice to see family and spend a little time with them.
For Thanksgiving, we were able to drive down to Pennsylvania to my family's.  I enjoyed seeing everyone and being able to attend church at the church I grew up going to.  While we were down there, we made a quick stop at B+B's, the Amish store.  We have recently gotten into eating oatmeal for breakfast each morning, so we bought lots of oatmeal and coffee. 
Gwendolyn is now 18 months old and is doing pretty good.  When we were down in PA, she contracted croup, as well as pink eye.  She is still recovering from the croup/cold/cough she has.  We had to take her to get eye drops for the pink eye. 
Lucinda ended up getting the pink eye as well, and the croup.  Hers seems much worse because she's smaller.  Our nights have been very rough lately.  I'm just praying that soon everything will be back to normal. 
I make different kinds of Christmas cookies each day.  I take care of the children, teach piano lessons, and plan church events.  Dan works a lot, and tries to get a deer before the season ends next Tuesday.  So far, we've only gotten one, and it was small.
Well, I hope to post again in the next few days here.  We had Christmas family photos taken, so I'll share them next time!
Hope you all are loving your December so far!   

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