Greetings from thawing-out NY! I was glad to hear from several of you that you take time to read my blog still. I enjoy writing posts, even though they may not be regular. But knowing that I'm not just posting for my own benefit is important, so thank you for those of you who reached out and let me know you still read it.
When I first found out that I was pregnant with my second daughter after only 3 months postpartum after Gwendolyn was born, I was a bit overwhelmed. Some people were saying things like "Oh wow, you'll have your hands full!" and "Hope you can keep up with two toddlers at once!"
And others said more encouraging things like "I think it's nice having them close together." or "My two who are a year apart are still best friends today."
When Lucie was born, I spent about 2 months being slightly frazzled, but once she was out of the tiny infant stage, things improved. Looking back now, I'd want it no other way.
This past year I've particularly loved seeing them grow and learn.
Several years back, one of our church's previous pastors had thought of starting a school, and had stored the church attic full of old wooden desks. Because I love to teach, I brought over 2 small wooden school desks from the church back in October.
I have no desire to push my girls to learn a vast list of things before they are even officially in school, but Gwendolyn showed a desire to learn more, and to have structure.
We began with one day a week, but they loved school so much that we took to doing it twice a week. We now do school on days when it fits my schedule.
The girls love to paint
We always have a snack time mid-school time.
They each have a preschool workbook they use. Lucie just colors each picture in hers, and Gwendolyn doing hidden picture puzzles, mazes, tracing, and matching. They aren't special books...just ones that people have given the girls for birthday presents or Christmas.
I am by no means an expert in the area of raising children! But if I've learned anything, I've learned that my girls thrive under a schedule/plan. If there is ever a day (we had a few of these in my first trimester of this pregnancy) when I am not able to rise from the couch for long enough to do anything, the girls go haywire. When they know that there is a scheduled play time, they play nicely. But if I say to them "Go play" without adding something like "for 10 minutes while I make this bread and then we will do...."
I don't know if it's just my children....but they don't do well with open-ended play times.
The other thing I've begun to implement is helping with folding laundry. I've had to relax a little bit on having all of the washcloths facing the same way folded exactly into a square.....
But Gwen is able to fold all of the kitchen/bathroom handtowels and washcloths now. She takes great pride in it.
The last thing I'll mention about this subject of raising two girls who are a year apart is that they love to explore. Whether that is going on a short hike, walking down the road to see where the pileated woodpecker is pecking holes in a tree, or going to the local library, go EXPLORE!
For awhile last year, our library was closed, and that made us quite sad. But when they opened, even though they wouldnt allow any kids in the kids room, and we could come by appointment only, we went. Each week, the girls would read the books we brought home and they've really grown to love reading since we began our library ventures.
Our library has a second floor entirely full of taxidermy (a natural history museum). I take the girls there at least once every other month.
This last time we went, they had a small childrens table and chairs with a stack of books set up.
Gwen and Lucie sat right down and read and read and played with the puppets for about 35 minutes.
So what have I learned in the past year of raising these two? I've learned to seize every opportunity for learning possible. When I am writing letters, Gwen and Lucie do as well. When I am folding laundry, they are helping. When I am starting the laundry, they are helping me put the detergent and dryer sheets in...
When we go for a walk, we point out all the different types of birds we see and their colors. We count fence posts. We read books....constantly.
We do everything we can to make learning enjoyable, and not a bore.
So far, it's working, very well!
It takes discipline and diligence as a parent to constantly be guiding and directing every situation, experience and activity. But it will pay off. Soon I know that Gwendolyn will be reading on her own, or reading to her baby sister. Soon Lucie will be able to get down the crayons on her own and color a lovely picture, AND stay in the lines!
But everything good comes with time. And it comes because I'm working with them now.
So if you're a mom, don't quit working with them, no matter how busy you become.
Thank you so much for posting about this, I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with a 7 month baby girl, and this post encourages me not to worry so much about keeping up when I have the new baby!
ohhh congrataulations!!!! So happy for you, and yes! Don't stress it! You'll find that your firstborn will barely even remember not having a younger sibling: that's how it is for our girls. And so far, they are great friends and playmates!