Friday, September 20, 2024

Life got away from me

 The beauty of blogging is that rather than being an instantaneous thing that doesn't require much thought, blogging takes intentionality and sitting down and organization.  

That sounds like something I clearly struggle with sometimes :)  This can clearly be noted by seeing when my last blog post was.  

Life as of late since my last post:

In May we celebrated lots of birthdays and had one big party for the kiddos.  It was a lovely time with those who love our kids. We also had a revival meeting at church and had an evangelist in for that.  Lots of preparations, and inviting happened.  Then I also planted our garden.  Dan wasn't able to get the tractor started to plow up the ground, so I used just the rototiller.  This resulted in the rototiller belt burning up three different times.  The ground never did get a thorough tilling, so this summer we've had groundhogs, rabbits and mice making homes in our garden.  That's uncalled for in my opinion, so I've decided we'll never do that again.  

But since there's no point in crying over spilled milk, I've made do with the holey garden and I've gotten good at stomping on the groundhogs home.  Throughout June, Dan has been working very hard on the property and fixing the farmhouse.  I did my routine cleaning of houses, gardening and raising the kids.  

July was when we celebrated Dan's birthday at Applebees.  The power went off as soon as our meal arrived at the table and we ate in darkness while there was a tornado outside and trees everywhere were down.  We were hoping the meal would be free then, but because they actually served us the food, we still had to pay full price.  No discount for eating in the dark.  

At the end of the month we went to the Northeast Vision Summit again in New Jersery.  It's always a great time and we come home thoroughly encouraged.  Saw friends, spent time talking with others who are in the ministry, and our girls loved their classes....well, all except Clara.  She was so ready to be out of the nursery.  :) 

When we arrived home and promptly came down with a viral flu of sorts.  It wasn't fun for about 2 weeks while we kept thinking we were done with it and then the next kid would get sick.  The garden produced lots of squash and zucchini in August and Cantaloupe.  Unfortunately, the rabbits chomped off 2 plantings worth of green beans, so we haven't harvested a single one of them.  We've gotten 4 very large cabbages though and several pickings worth of broccoli. The red raspberries have also been wonderful this late summer/fall. 

My father-in-law came to stay for 2 weeks. and help Dan at the farmhouse.  They accomplished much and the girls enjoyed spending time with Papa so much.  SO far in September, we've been doing school now for several weeks, gone on two field trips (I'm determined to get several in before the snow flies), and am finishing up the garden escapades. 

I'm canning the last of the tomato sauce I've made from the garden harvest and then it'll be on to making applesauce from drops at the local orchard.  It's been a good, busy summer.  I'm sad to see summer ending, but I'm also ready for slower days and less stuff to make my schedule full.  

How has your summer been?    

Next post will include photos. 

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