Remember that huge stinkbug invasion we've had these past two years? I know where all of the stinkbugs from Central PA must have congregated.
Our attic!
When you live in an old farm house, you have to realize that there are going to be cracks in the attic. Between the chimney and wall, there are cracks. Somehow, the stinkbugs found their way inside and then died (how lovely).
I decided it was time to clean the attic the other day and found this:
Pretty gross, huh?
cleaning them all up actually made me feel pretty accomplished. Then I took the trashbag they were in and made my brother feel the outside of the bag and guess what it was. He thought it was granola!
Don't be too grossed out: he thought it was hilarious!
On a less-disgusting note, I was able to babysit my nephew Hudson yesterday! He was so cute...
I enjoyed it much more than he did I'm sure. :)
Until later!
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