Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Early Graduation Present

My Grandma came over the other day with an early graduation present for me!
She and my mom LOVE quilting, and she's made a quilt for each of my siblings then the graduate, and another when they get married.
Since I'm graduating this year (WE HOPE! haha!), this is my graduation present.
I LOVE it!

Each of siblings had Their favorite thing on they're quilt, so I asked for mine to be music notes. :-)

I totally love it, and I think its a great graduation present! :-)
Until later!


  1. Hey! I read your blog everyday, and i love every post. I couldnt get to comment for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time because i couldnt get an account, or a gmail account. So i just want to tell you that i am a big fan of your blog, and you can become a fan too by going to my blog

  2. That is so beautiful, Virginia! It must have taken many, many hours of work, but the results were worth it. :)

  3. Rachel, Thanks so much for your comment! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog! Its nice to know tha people are out there reading it. :-)
    Cora Beth, I KNOW! :-) My Grandma and Mom love quilting and do it for hours when they have time! haha, I'm not much of a seamstress, but I can recognize true talent and hard work! :-)
    And I love it so much!


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