Thursday, September 10, 2009

What a Handful!

This morning when we were loading the truck for market, I found this Tomato and Apple. THEY'RE HUGE!!!!!
This is a Yellow Heirloom. All of our customers at the market stands rave over all the heirlooms, and I must say, they are VERY tasty on sandwiches!
This is the biggest apple I've found yet. :-)
We have a variety called 27-ouncer, and we were pretty sure thats what it was. But it turned out to be a Summer Rambo. It has so many spots because our sprayer broke half way through the summer....:-(

Daddy and Oliver being goofy. :-)

Thats all for now!:-)


  1. Now THOSE are HUGE apples and tomatoes!!!
    Have a great weekend, Virginia. :)

  2. Wow! That is some pretty enormous produce.


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